Thursday, August 2, 2012

FitGirls (and Guy)

I don't really know how to start this blog off because I hold such a love and respect for my FitGirl team and our trainer, Missy. I want to do them justice in describing the team and all the girls.  I say this beacuse I  respect and admire each girl (and guy) greatly and I hope I can prove that through my words.

When I first found the Fitgirl's and Missy I couldn't wait to be a part of them and train with them. Missy looked fantastic and I knew she would help put me on the path to my weightloss and fitness goals. I met with her in January 2012 and started my first program with her. In February of 2012 we all started our competition training.

Any weightloss program you do is pure dedication, will power and discipline of yourself. No body is going to hold your hand and make you do it. This is what I personally believe to be one of the problems with people when they start on their weightloss adventure. They want it to be "easy" or for the weight to come off in a week. It isn't going to be that way. That is one reason I respect all my teammates and those in the competition world so greatly. I know firsthand how much time, effort, work, sweat, dedication, etc. it takes to do this. It doesn't come overnight and it doesn't come in a week. There is a saying that I kept in the back of my head while training; 'You'll be able to notice a change in 4 weeks. Your family will be able to notice a change in 8 weeks. The rest of the world will be able to notice a change in 12 weeks." This is why I think it is SO important for you to have it stuck in YOUR head that you are going to do this for you, yourself and I. If you go solely off of what others say, you'll be more apt to give up sooner. You have to have it in your mind that you're going to change your way of eating (clean out cabinets, go grocery shopping, get your family involved),  GO TO THE GYM (make it part of your schedule, pencil it in), and change your way of thinking most of all. Don't be discouraged easily, take constructive criticism well, and NEVER GIVE UP! I tell all my family and friends who start on their journies to never, ever give up. You don't want to have to start back over.

I don't know about anyone else but I seriously admire my team. Not one time during my journey have I ever felt not included. These girls have always been nice, sweet, complimentary, fun, encouraging and quite frankly, the BEST teammates one could ask for. We've all had bad days and good days and we would pick each other up and carry on. This is not a wusses sport. Now don't get offended but I'm here to tell ya, we are hardcore. Not saying anyone is less than us because they are NOT. However, we don't take our diet and exercises lightly. Everyday we are in the gym working hard. Everyday we are eating our lean meats, vegetables and protein shakes. It is something we love. Something we are dedicated too. We do it because we CHOOSE to do it. We CHOOSE to be healthy and in shape. Some don't understand but that's okay. We do it for us and for noone else. Now one thing I want to express is this, we may be a close team and get along well but that does NOT mean we aren't warm and accepting. Anyone can be a part of our team and we would be more than happy and inviting!!! We WANT to see others achieve their goals and if competing is one of them, come join us! Some may mistake our dedication for rudeness. That is NOT what it is. We go to the gym to workout and some of us are on schedules. We are there with a certain routine and some, like me, have kids in the kidzone and only have a certain amount of hours to get everything done. I personally think that what it boils down to is a lack of understanding. Some don't understand exactly what it takes nor do they want to. Us on the team do not tolerate negativity. If you choose to be, say or think negatively this is not the place for you. We are all here to support each other and help each other grow. Not to put each other down or negatively criticize.

YOU is the key word in that quote. Don't do it for anyone else but YOU!

Here are some of the FitGirls with Missy, our trainer. (Third from the left, the shortest one lol). She is wonderful! Very educated and knowledgable in her fitness and nutrition. Missy is very encouraging and will become one of your biggest fans. I remember my first competition and hearing her yell for me from the other side of the stage. She helps give you the confidance to hold your head high and walk out on stage. I remember a week before the competition almost crying in her office about worrying about going out on stage and she just looked at me with this sort of look like, "you're crazy! You look great and you will do so well!"

The top picture is of us after one of our Saturday morning meetings for practice. The bottom picture is of us the morning before The Palmetto Cup.

This is beautiful Ashley! She and I became very close during our training. We trained together, roomed together, got nails done, make-up, everything together! Ashley had already competed so she knew her stuff and was extremely helpful during the next competitions. She was such an awesome motivator and very encouraging! She was always willing to help or lend a hand. I couldn't be more grateful for all her help and friendship. She rocked that stage!!!
This is Lindsey! She is so sweet and beautiful and we had a blast in the bikini division!

Lindsey, Ashley, me, Rachell and Joe after The Palmetto Cup.
Joe is our one FitGuy so far. He is a great competitor and such a nice guy! We all loved to give him a hard time about his 5% body fat though!!!

Ashley and I before The State Competition.
State Competition. Me, Rachell, Kaitlin and Ashley.

This is Rachell. Never before had I met someone quite like her. She always has a smile on her face, a hug to give you and kind words. I've never heard her say one mean word about or to anyone. She is such an amazing woman with a bit of sass! Very beautiful and very knowledgable about health and fitness. I am honestly very proud to call her my friend. I look forward to our next competitions together!

Now don't think that I couldn't say a nice thing about every single one of my teammates, because I can. I care for each one and consider each one a friend. Like I said before, I consider it a huge honor to be a part of this team and I AM proud of the FitGirl (and guy) team! To be able to transform our bodies in the ways we have, all the while each having our own lives, is nothing short of amazing!

Each FitGirl (and guy) has their own story and life. Some of us our single, have families, children, full-time jobs, two or three jobs, retired, etc. This is our sport. We choose to include this into our routines and make it work around our daily lives. It's a commitment that we have all made. A very rewarding and intriguing sport! I plan to continue on as long as I can!

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