Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My supporters.

So, I KNOW that we all have people in our lives that we would say are the BEST people of all time. We all have certain family, friends, or coworkers who have gone above and beyone for us or who have made huge impacts on our lives. Any athlete knows that a good support system is one key to success. Especially when an athlete has children. Now, I am NOT saying that I work harder or have bigger obstacles because I have children. I've never used my children as an excuse or to make myself seem better. God gave them to my husband and I and I've learned to work with the life I've been given. My children are nothing short of a blessing to me, especially because at 18 years old I was told I may never have children. Now I've got two of the smartest, fun, loving, sweetest, awesome, and so on and on, children in the whole wide world!

Anyway, I wanted to start off with one person who has always been a constant in my weight-loss and my competition journey. How many of us, when we truly sit and think about it, can say we have married our soulmate. Now, before you go calling me corny or in dreamland, I'm being dead serious! At 16 years old I looked across the Sumter High School football stadium and saw my future husband, Curtis. His big white smile was enough for me. I knew I loved him. A mutual friend worked his magic and here we are 14 years later, 9 of those years marriend! Now please don't think we had a perfect 14 years b/c nobody is perfect except for our good Lord, Jesus Christ. However, Curtis has always, always, always been my very best friend! He has always loved me and supported me in everything I've ever done. He's always been in the front row cheering me on and lifting me up with encouraging words! Not ONCE has that man ever told me I was "fat" or "ugly". Whenever I would say something negative about myself, he would disagree. I can honestly say, because I believe it in my heart, that Curtis has loved me no matter how I looked physically. When I told him I wanted to compete, he was by my side the whole way. He helped me with my diet and exercise and when I was having a bad day, he would say something encouraging. He is my true best friend and for that, I will forever be grateful.

Here are my sweet babies, Beth and Lucas. Now, it may seem silly to you that two little people could be encouraging, but I'm here to tell you that MINE were! They watched me like a hawk! If I cheated, they would tell daddy on me. Lucas told me constantly that I was pretty and his strongest mommy! I told him I was his only mommy! (lol) Beth would eat what I eat and say she was helping mommy compete! Those two little gems made my goals acheivable by being so supporting and happy for me! THEY are the reason I breathe each and every day and I am proud to be their mommy.

I'm sorry folks but I hate to break it to ya, I have the BEST mom in the world! If I can be even half of what she is, I'll be happy. She has ALWAYS supported me in everything I've ever done. Not a day, moment, hour goes by that I didn't think I could call my mom. Sometimes you just want your mom. Just to hear her voice and be told how much she loves you. THAT is my mom. She is the kindest, most patient and caring woman I know. She helps out with the kids and makes my life so much easier at times. Without her I wouldn't have made it through x-ray school, nights out nor competitions. She is simply amazing. I love her very much!

You just can not make it through life without a support system. Whether your's is family, friends, gym family, etc. Without people to cheer you on, encourage you and help you out, it just seems harder. I am very blessed to have the family that I have and I do hold tons of respect for each of them. I know at times they thought I was "crazy" for my diet and exercise but they smiled at me and understood. Sometimes just having them understand is all I needed.

My sister-in-law, Amber at The Palmetto Cup. Having family and friends in the audience to cheer you on is A-MAZING! To hear them yelling and shouting your name gives you this huge surge to go out and strut your stuff! Especially since you've been working so hard and know you deserve that couple of minutes in the spotlight! Amber has always been encouraging and supporting threw it all! Love her to pieces!

My brother-in-law, Jason and one of the fittest guys I know! I have learned alot from him!

Now, go ahead and try but you'll NEVER convince me that your girlfriends are better than MINE! These girls have been threw thick and thin with me! It's like a friendship-marriage! For better or worse! We've done our share of laughing, bickering, fighting, sharing, partying, etc. I would not trade any of them for the world! I seriously feel like they are more my sisters than just friends. They've knocked me on my head at times and they have swooped me back up when I've fallen. They are all a blessing to me and my very true, very dear, best friends! I love them all! Erica, Stephanie, Paige and Amber. Ya'll have been my calm threw many storms and I love you all very, very much!

My dear friend and mentor, Chris and his beautiful fiance (soon to be wife) came to see me at the State competition. Chris helped me while I was a student and then came to support me during my show! I was so excited and grateful that they came! Meant TONS to me! Chris just benched pressed his goal of 385 lbs! He's a beast! :)

And then there is Chris Hollingsworth. Owner of Alluring Artistry. He is our spray guy. I wanted to include him in my supporteres because without him, I wouldn't have looked as bronzed and glowing on stage. He is a wonderful tanner and makes you look beautiful! Great guy and everyone should use him for their competitions!

So, there are some of my best supporters! My next post will be about my FitGirl team and Missy! One of the main reasons I got to where I am today in my fitness! Stay tuned!

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